by Siem Huijsman | Feb 15, 2024 | Analysis, music theory
Schumann string quartets: the comparison Table of contents Introduction Practical information Sonata form terminology Notational convention for major and minor keys Most suitable devices The comparison of the string quartets Some globel characteristics The keys...
by Siem Huijsman | Nov 12, 2023 | Analysis, music theory
Schumann string quartet no 2 – an analysis Table of contents Introduction Practical information Schumann string quartet no 2: analysis Exposition Main theme or First Tonal Area (FTA) The A1 part The A2 part The A1′ part Motives of the main theme...
by Siem Huijsman | Sep 6, 2023 | Analysis, music theory
Schumann string quartet no 1 – an analysis Table of contents Introduction Practical information Schumann string quartet no 1: analysis Slow introduction The chromatic Monte Exposition Main theme or First Tonal Area (FTA) The A1 part The A2 part The A1′...
by Siem Huijsman | Apr 9, 2023 | Analysis, music theory
A not so brief introduction to the concept of Period As Schönberg stated in his book on musical composition[1]Arnold Schönberg, Gerald Strang, and Leonard Stein. Fundamentals of Musical Composition (London: Faber and Faber, 1967), 1 and 21., a piece of music is...
by Siem Huijsman | Oct 21, 2022 | Analysis, music theory
A brief introduction to the concept of Sentence As Schönberg stated in his book on musical composition, a piece of music is organized some way or the other to make it intelligible or comprehensible.[1]Arnold Schönberg, Gerald Strang, and Leonard Stein....
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